Author: Christine

  • Puppies!

    It has been a little quiet on here of late – I realise that. A few technical issues combined with a lot going on has meant you have been neglected a bit. So here is a catch up of what is going on at Fresh Start HQ. As some of you will be aware, I…

  • Not quite as planned

    I had big plans for this year, this agility season I would be competing Spudley and Lilly for the first time. The last few years I have been working on their ringside skills, such as calmness when queuing, the vast number of dogs doing exciting running and jumping things, and not being worried by spectators.…

  • “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”Winston Churchill

    As you can imagine from the title of today’s blog, all has not been going as well as I should like in relation to my diet and exercise plan. There have been a number of reasons, or excuses for this. However I am not going to dwell on those here. Suffice to say, today I…

  • Continuing with the plan…

    Despite deciding to withdraw Lilly from the Crufts qualifiers this year, I want to drive forward with the other elements of my plan. This plan included following a diet and exercise plan from V SHRED. It also included improving my fitness through canicross 3-4 times a week, and following the exercise plans in the programme,…

  • Not this year!

    Due to technical issues, that fortunately are now resolved, I have been unable to get logged into my website before now. This has prevented me from completing my blog so apologies for the lack of posts. Leading up to our first qualifier I was still teaching Lilly how to weave. Due to the absolutely awful…

  • What is the plan?

    In relation to the goals for my health and fitness, I have started a personalised diet and exercise plan with V Shred. This is a programme that a few of my friends have undertaken and found to be very effective. The exercise regime is about 30 mins 5 days a week, and is home based…

  • What needs to be done?

    The first of the Crufts Qualifiers is at Wellingborough between the 5th and the 7th July. We have 2 shows between now and then as Lillies trial run. To really have a shot at it, both Lilly and I have work to do. For myself I need to get fitter, slimmer and faster to really…

  • Lilly

    Our Journey to Crufts! Lilly is my youngest English shepherd. From the moment I brought her into my home, she has been an absolute angel. She has the sweetest temperament and is a complete joy to own. However… In terms of a sport dog, she has been a challenge. Initially she had no interest in…

  • Back Home

    So we are home…. I have to say that this was an amazing experience, prior to going on this adventure I had wanted to do something like this for many years. I had always been worried about the “what if’s”, such as if I did the worming wrong and the dogs were not allowed back…

  • Day 20 – Dog Trainer and her Dogs in Valencia

    Day 20 – Dog Trainer and her Dogs in Valencia

    Having got up at the crack of dawn, the journey to Barakaldo was relatively easy. As we drove the landscape was really very varied. At times I felt we could be in Montana, Switzerland, and the Wild West. It took us about 6hrs, we met with the friends we are staying with. Had an early…