Day 9 – Dog Trainer and her Dogs in Valencia

Went a bit further afield today.  To a little town called Alcoi, which is in the province of Valencia, but not the city.  The temperature was much cooler due to the height of the city, which is 562m above sea level.

Did a lovely walk up a mountain, which culminated in a beautiful, huge cross.  After taking photos I explored the area and there was a really very sweet chapel, ornately decorated and a lovely man who gave me a bucket of water for the dogs.  There was also another older man who was sweeping the steps to the chapel who said that he was one of a group of about 12 people who had constructed and paid for the chapel in the 90’s.

From the top you could see the town of Alcoi, and Vultures circling, the old man said that the abattoir on the outskirts of the city spreads the waste meat products for the Vultures, which is why they circle where they do.

Following the walk we went to a dog friendly restaurant for lunch with some friends, the food was Italian style and was adequate but nothing special.  A really good day was had though.  I would definitely recommend visiting Alcoi if you have time yourselves.


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