Having got up at the crack of dawn, the journey to Barakaldo was relatively easy. As we drove the landscape was really very varied. At times I felt we could be in Montana, Switzerland, and the Wild West. It took us about 6hrs, we met with the friends we are staying with. Had an early lunch, before dropping our stuff at their house, and travelling to not one, but two beautiful beaches.
The dogs loved running and splashing in the waves, after about 2- 3 hours, we left the beach and walked to a lovely little bar which allowed dogs in the terrace area. We feasted on tortilla, and other lovely tapas, before heading back to their home.

This part of Spain was really very beautiful, and reminded me greatly of Scotland. I am told the weather is also very similar.
I took the opportunity to rest and we played cards and drank wine for a couple of hours until I was happy that the dogs were content in the flat.
I left the dogs at the flat with the teenage daughter of my friends, and we headed to the bar. It was lovely to be able to drink and chat at the bar knowing the dogs were safe and happy. The bars were really very cheap for wine, and we had a lovely time chatting ,and drinking more than we probably should.
A much later crawl to bed than yesterday, unwisely. In preparation for the 12+ hour drive through France tomorrow.

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