Day 8 – Dog Trainer and her Dogs in Valencia

I wanted a short walk as I had some other things that I needed to do, so I looked on my trusty app and discovered a walk only 13 minutes from my hotel.  The write up suggested a quiet country style road for about 3KM.

Upon reaching the walk it was anything but.  Although it wasn’t an A road there were 5 or 6 cars from either direction every minute, and no footpath.  Having walked a KM, I decided to do my own detour to get back to the car instead of carrying on.  This track was probably not strictly to be used as it was between groves of oranges.  We kept strictly to the paths and did not stray to the groves and returned to the car disappointed with the route recommendation.

Later that day, I decided to take the dogs out to another park.  This one was much more pleasant.  We had a play around and then I used the time to record some footage for Izzy’s trick title, which I am looking to submit at some point this week.


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