Those of you that know me will be aware, I am sure, that I am not the biggest fan of heights. I avoid looking down over the edge of bridges, out of windows any higher than the 1st floor etc.
Well part of this trip for me is to challenge myself to sometimes do things that are not easy or comfortable for me. This walk managed to really work on that element of my self development.
The walk was just under 5km, and very beautiful – different from yesterday’s walk but still very beautiful. The trail itself was not too difficult, though I did nearly walk right passed the left turn required early on in the trail. It started out through farmland and slowly moving very slightly upwards. I had researched all of the walks prior to getting to Spain, and on reflection had seen comments from people in relation to a very narrow and scary path. I had however glossed over this so when I arrived at the start of the section pictured above, I suddenly remembered.
I took a deep breath and went for it, the dogs were perfectly fine and not in the least bit concerned, as my heart appeared to be trying to escape this section of the walk by bursting from my chest. I took it slowly and survived, though I am not sure whether I would be up to repeat this walk anytime soon. When I reached the car in one piece I was very relieved.
Not the most challenging walk physically for me, but definitely was on a mental level. To treat myself for this I had lunch in the cafe opposite my hotel with a friend, we had the most wonderful bocadillas. For those unfamiliar they are long sandwiches made with French stick type bread, they usually have warm and delicious fillngs such as pork loin, cheese, egg, onion and tomato, or pork loin, anchovy and tomato. If you are out here in Valencia and have not tried these before then I would definitely recommend them. I am working my way through the entire menu.
Until tomorrow….
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