Whilst I am here, I have a number of plans. One of which is to try and increase my fitness by walking/ hiking some of the trails in the area. Like most people I am sure, Christmas time can be a time of excess and sedentary for me. The weather in the UK is miserable, generally raining and there is usually a sea of mud everywhere. This is of course true of this year. Not conditions which particularly motivate me to get out and about and exercise.
The weather today was glorious, I awoke relatively early, 08:00 hrs as I wanted to hit the trails early, to get the dogs out and also to keep our exercise to the coolest parts of the day. Thinking about acclimatising all of us to the heat.
I have downloaded and subscribed to this APP which is called AllTrails+, I researched this back in the UK, and there were good reviews about it. Ultimately though, as the old saying goes “the proof is in the pudding”.
I had chosen a short and easy hike, according to the App, this was starting in an area called Pí de Salt, and was only 4.24km in length. A circular route which had an elevation gain of 125m.
On arrival Izzy, as usual, was going crazy in the car with excitement and I had to wait for 2-3 minutes for the crazy barking to stop before I unloaded the dogs from the car. The sun was shining and it was quite warm already. There were a fair few people out on the trails, mainly other hikers with dogs. The route had little shade, but the paths were wide and easy to navigate. The dogs had a wonderful time, and I felt the distance in the climatic conditions at this stage of our holiday was just perfect for us. I didn’t carry water with us but the dogs were given water on our return to the car, and we travelled back to our air conditioned hotel room in our air conditioned car.
On return to our room the dogs are peacefully sleeping in the cool and I am planning tomorrows excitement, read more about it tomorrow….
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