Woke up this morning with bundles of energy and determined to do my longest hike, just under 13Km. This was another absolutely beautiful walk. The walk itself was massively varied, mountain regions, road walking, valleys with a river running through them, and lastly a small town.
The dogs had an amazing time as did I. We met another Englishman on our walk, who really enjoyed seeing the dogs. The mountainous paths are my favourite, with the rocky sections breaking through the muddy paths.
I did realise that I can be very anti social, I started the walk alone but another couple was behind me about halfway. They were chattering too each other constantly, I slowed and let them pass. They then stopped to drink and chat so I passed them again and strode ahead. They were then behind me and started walking and chattering. I found it very distracting, eventually I lost them as the path split 3 ways and I went the more difficult route climbing down large boulders to a waterfall below.
We had to jump from one boulder to another to cross the waterfall and reach the other side, the temperature seemed very warm and I regretted not bringing a water bottle with me. Fortunately the walk had plenty of spots for the dogs to drink.
The last KM was uphill – very steep, and I was extremely happy to get back to the car and have a long drink. One thing which was nice was that there were hostel’s on the last 1/2Km of the route, had I more time I would have stopped to partake. Next time….
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