Redirecting problematic behaviours into gainful employment through sport
Training Options:
From Reactivity towards people and dogs, to separation anxiety, confidence issues and anything in-between
My famous “None of your business training”, loose lead walking, sit, stay, down, confidence in pubs, restaurants and public transport plus much more
Fun, games based Gundog skills, including off lead heel work, recall, basic retrieves, whistle work, advanced retrieves, stays, and much more
Games based agility and fitness skills, suitable for just fun, or competition level agility
Build the bond with your dog, using tricks. Teach him to give paw, sit pretty, crawl and much more
Use your dogs, sniffy skills to find a missing person
If you are in the process of, or are planning to train your own assistance dog; I am experienced in both training assistance dogs, and helping owners train their own.
Qualified and Certified DogFit Canicross instructor
Start your puppy’s life right, from the moment you bring him home to adulthood. I can help you to train and grow a calm and well balanced dog.
Check here to get details of our Upcoming Workshops!